4 Products
Kent Tilefire Glass

Kent Tile Fire produced stoves until the mid/late 1980's. They are said to have created the predecessor of all modern EPA wood stoves. Currently out of business, some parts are still available.
We make Kent Stove glass replacements for most all makes or models. Look at our list below... and if you do not see your Kent Wood Stove Glass listed, please contact us. We try our best to keep up on all of the brands and models of stoves and their glass sizes.
Wood stove replacement glass proudly made in Quincy IL. U.S.A.
Kent TileFire Glass
Part # 20-16-157 - Rectangle - 12 9/16" x 8 15/16"
Kent TileFire Glass - Size 12 9/16 x 8 15/16 Part # 20-16-157
At WoodStove-Fireplaceglass.com we only carry the Kent Stove Glass. We do not carry any other parts for their stoves. We are not associated with the company in any way other then carrying the Stove Glass.
This Kent Wood Stove Glass is a pyroceramic glass. Able to withstand temperatures of up to 1388 degrees. We always recommend you measure your glass to make sure that the Glass is correct for you.