Iron Strike is a brand of wood and gas stoves that are designed and manufactured by Hearth & Home Technologies, a leading producer of hearth products in North America. Iron Strike stoves are known for their high-quality construction, innovative features, and efficient heating capabilities.
Iron Strike stoves are available in a variety of styles and sizes to suit different needs and preferences. Some of the most popular models include the Serefina, Montlake, and Winslow. The company offers both wood-burning and gas-burning stoves, as well as stoves that can burn both fuels.
One of the standout features of Iron Strike stoves is their patented Automatic Combustion Control (ACC) technology, which helps to regulate the stove's heat output and ensure efficient, clean burning. Many Iron Strike stoves are also EPA certified, which means they meet strict emissions standards and can help reduce the environmental impact of wood burning.
If you are interested in learning more about Iron Strike stoves, you can visit the Hearth & Home Technologies website or speak with a local dealer who can provide more information about specific products and pricing.